Grading Scale


 A     93 – 100            Exceeds Standards

 B     87 – 92              Above Standards

 C     78 – 86              Meets Standards

 D     70 – 77             Below Standards

 F     69 or Below      Does Not Meet Standards



Grading Policy


Category                               Weight

Assignments                            20%

Homework                              10%

Class Participation                   15%

Exams                                      20%

Quizzes                                    15%

Projects                                    20%




Chicago Public Schools mandates that homework be assigned daily to students. Homework consists of meaningful assignments for completion during out-of-class time. Assignments for homework are based on classroom instructional activities and serve as motivation for further learning. Students are required to complete all assignments given to them while serving out-of-school or in-school suspension.


The following are the average time allocations for teacher-directed homework assignments:


 Kindergarten 15 minutes per day


 Grades 1 – 3 30 minutes per day


 Grades 4 – 6 45 minutes per day


 Grades 7 – 8 90 minutes per day